Sales Trainer - Graham Price
As the founder of Sales Acceleration professional sales trainer Graham
Price wanted to set up a sales training company, that trains the very latest in sales techniques to sales people ,who are
looking for more than a refresher on the "Steps of the Sale" or "Sales 101". Just roll over the avatar below to find out more
about our sales training organisation.
Graham Price is a specialist in training Sales Managers and experienced
sales people and has spent over a decade developing 1000's of sales professionals around the Globe. After a successful career
in sales and sales management, he made the move to become a sales trainer at Yellow Pages in the mid 90's and found his true
He progressed to hold senior sales training roles, looking after
the global sales development strategy, for a number of large companies including Yell and Reed Elsevier. It was while he was
doing these roles, he recognised their was a real gap in the market place for innovative, pragmatic sales training, that focused
on generating increased revenue.
The large majority of sales trainers and sales training companies
he encountered were selling the same material, to every company they came across, and very few (if any) were interested
in the end results, or ultimate change in behaviour. So SalesAcceleration was set up deliver tangible
sales results through;
- Bespoke design of training based on clear measurable objectives
- Thorough Training Needs Analysis to create what clients actually
- Measurable follow up through support and coaching
- Delivering training in a number of formats suitable for global
- Minimising the time off the road
- Use of audio, video, competition and web based learning
- Engaging Learners by ensuring the training is enjoyable and at the
right level for the audience (Accelerated Learning)
Accelerate 16 St Martins Le Grand London EC1A 4EN Tel
+44(0)845 643 4508 Fax +44(0)845 643 4585
"Graham Price was at the centre of a series of training initiatives
– focusing on ensuring that the individuals had the right opportunities to learn the new skills required by the business
in today’s climate.The culmination our the training was the “dreaded” video presentation and Graham was
at hand to give not only personal coaching to people who needed extra coaching but also to be the most neutral observer
with strong analytical skills I’ve come across" Global Sales Director, Online Information Company
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16 St Martins Le Grand, London EC1A 4EN UK Tel:
+44(0)845 643 4508 ©2009 Accelerate UK