A few words from Graham Price
Sales Acceleration was founded by Graham Price, who had previously held senior sales training management posts in a number
of FTSE companies, to provide the very best and very latest in sales consultancy and training. It was while he was doing these
roles he recognised there was a real gap in the market place for innovative, pragmatic sales development that focused
on generating increased revenue.
At SalesAcceleration we are so convinced we can raise performance,
we will even link our results to yours. Our strategy is to look at the COMPLETE®
picture, which may allow us to assist in a number of ways, that may or may not include training. - Commissions & Reward
- Understanding how and what you incentivise your sales staff on
- Overall Strategy - Getting to grips with the
overall sales strategy, targeting and activity levels
- Motivation - The sales teams motivation, energy
levels and receptivity to development
- Processes - The front end sales processes you use and back end administration
- Latent
Talent - The skill levels of your sales force
- Environment - The culture and leadership style
of the sales function
- Tools - The sales tools available to the sales force
- Experience
- The experience of the sales team in terms of account size and biographies
"There is a myriad of sales training companies out in the market place selling you the latest
pneumonic, but actually selling practical results there are not that many. Most Sales Directors/Sales Managers know instinctively
what their salespeople should be doing, the real issue is getting them to do it and that is where I really feel we help"
- Graham Price
"There is a myriad of sales training companies out in the market place
selling you the latest pneumonic, but actually selling practical results there are not that many. Most Sales Directors/Sales
Managers know instinctively what their salespeople should be doing, the real issue is getting them to do it and that is where
I really feel we help" - Graham Price
For information on SOCIAL STYLE Profiles for Sales People follow this link
16 St Martins Le Grand, London EC1A 4EN UK Tel:
+44(0)845 643 4508 ©2009 Accelerate UK