How can you improve your Sales Effectiveness?
This maybe a question you are asking yourself and like many Sales Directors and Sales Managers you
have a constant battle in just maintaining sales performance. The issue is one of focus:-
- Spend time with new starters and the experienced team members lose focus
- Spend time with experienced staff the new starters drop performance
- Too much time selling yourself, the team are less productive
- Spend too much time with the team you are less productive
- The team know what they should do but do not do it
These are not the only issues and a COMPLETE audit of the sales process by Sales Acceleration will help
you reveal where your focus should be and also that of your team. By backward planning from the targets that are set we are
able to guide Sales Leaders in;
- How to best spend their time
- Where to focus most effort for maximum reward
- How to maximise the output of their sales teams
- Where the quick wins are in terms of sales performance
We do this with a tried and tested methodology, that Heads of Sales will be able to take away and use again
and again throughout their career, from the best practice of the most high performing sales based organisations in the world.