Introduction to Marketing Workshop
This programme is designed for individuals who have a need
to sell to Marketeers. With the increasing range of offerings available to individuals in marketing and a move to "Return
based advertising", just pitching an advertising schedule may fall short of the mark, if you are not aware of the pressures
and objectives a typical marketeer is working to.
Introduction to Marketing Workshop Objectives
By the end of this programme
attendees will be able to:-
- Describe their offering in terms of what a marketeer is looking for
- Effectively use commercial and financial information to create a tangible
return on any campaign
- Use business tools that will allow Marketeers to see the overall value of
any type of advertising at any given time in their own product life cycle
- Be able to converse with Senior Marketing Managers on their own terms
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Please CLICK HERE to email us, or call us now to see how we can help increase your advertising sales through effective sales training.